1. CHRISTOPHER ALAN DURHAM - "Day & Age" Slow Drain 7" (Spacecase, coming soon)
2. DARK DAY - "No Nothing Never" Exterminating Angel LP (Dark Entries - Reissue, 2012)
3. CHARNEL GROUND - "Jimmy" Charnel Ground LP (12XU, 2018)
4. CATHOLIC DISCIPLINE - "Everyone Dies Laughing" Underground Babylon LP (Artifix, 2012)
5. THE NUNS - "Walkin' the Beat" The Nuns LP (Get Back - Reissue, 2003)
6. GO-GO'S - "Party Pose" Return to the Valley of the Go-Go's 2xCD (I.R.S., 1994)
7. GLUEAMS - "Mental" Mental b/w 365 7'' (Punk Rules Clan, 1979)
8. WALLSOCKETS - "Snerl" Four Stars LP (Sausage, 1981)
9. THIS KIND OF PUNISHMENT - "In The View Of Circumstances" This Kind of Punishment LP (Superior Viaduct - Reissue, 2018)
10. MARINE GIRLS - "A Place in the Sun" Lazy Ways LP (Cherry Red, 1983)
11. TUXEDOMOON - "No Tears" No Tears 12" EP (Superior Viaduct - Reissue, 2013)
12. ALGEBRA SUICIDE - "Tuesday Tastes Good" The Secret Like Crazy CD (RRRecords - Reissue, 1992)
13. CAROLE KING - "Porpoise Song" (demo, unreleased)