1. THE AND BAND - "Home On The Range" Outhern LP (Spacecase, coming soon!)
2. TOMMY JAY - "I Was There" Tommy Jay's Tall Tales Of Trauma LP (Columbus Discount, 2007)
3. JEFF AND JANE HUDSON - "Los Alamos" Flesh 2xLP (Captured Tracks, 2011)
4. CERAMIC HELLO - "Climactic Nouveaux" The Absence Of A Canary LP (Mannequin, 1980)
5. CHANDRA - "Kate" Transportation LP (GO GO, 1980)
6. THE PHILOSOPHIC COLLAGE - "Toxic Poppies" Genius 7" EP (BDR, 2012)
7. DES DEMONAS - "Psychedelic Soldier" Des Demonas LP (In the Red, 2017)
8. CHEATER SLICKS - "Erotic Woman" Erotic Woman 7" (Columbus Discount, 2009)
9. THE GUN CLUB - "A House Is Not A Home" Lucky Jim LP (Bang!, 2011)
10. FRANCE GALL - "Les Sucettes" Best Of France Gall 2xCD (Polydor, 2002)