“Go West Old Bastards" b/w "Close Ur Eyes” is the second single from Spacecase Records.
Texan James Arthur is a garage-rock mainstay with an impressive track record. James is an ex-member of Fireworks, Necessary Evils, CC Riders, New Memphis Legs and The Golden Boys. For the past few years, James has focused on his band, James Arthur’s Manhunt. Known for his guitar playing, James’ new material has been largely instrumental. “Go West Old Bastards”, with its repetitive drum pattern and atmospheric guitar playing, is influenced by Krautrock bands Neu! and Can. James is assisted on the track by Orville Neeley (Bad Sports, OBN III) and Bryan Schmitz (Golden Boys).
Memphian Alicja Trout’s track record is also impressive. Alicja played in The Clears, The Lost Sounds, CC Riders (with James Arthur and Jeffrey Evans) and Nervous Patterns; she’s currently in The River City Tanlines and releases solo material through her Alicja-Pop and Black Sunday projects. Alicja also ran Contaminated Records and with Jay Reatard mastered The Reigning Sound’s incredible LP, Too Much Guitar. Alicja played all the music on her side and provided the album’s cover art. Her track should appeal to fans of Black Sunday and Nervous Patterns.
...I'm not usually one to recommend two-song splits, but this one has some merit, as it's one of the best Alicja tunes I've heard in a long time and the teaser for the JAM LP is worth a look.
--RK, Terminal Boredom
...As a music lover and an American who loves wide open spaces, I give thanks to artists like James Arthur and Alicja Trout. Instead of can’t-turn-around-in-this-cage, I’m-going-to-die-in-here, veal-fattening pens of much of corporate-sponsored garage rock today, these two are on wildly different trips...
--Todd Taylor, Razorcake